
M-Code-Commands List

Command Short Description
click tensioner advance feeder by it's configured default advance length
M600 Advance a Feeder
M601 Retract after Pick
M602 Feeder is OK?
M603 Drive servo to a specific angle
M610 Enable/Disable feeder globally (call before/after any feed operation)
M620 Update feeder config
M143 Get ADC raw values
M144 Get ADC scaled values
M145 Set scaling factors and offsets
M155 Switch digital IOs for power output
M799 Factory Reset

This is obviously not an M-Command but very useful for setting up a feeder. First enable the feeder. Afterwards if pressing the tensioner short, the feeder advances by it's configured default length. This is very useful to load a new reel and setting up the feeder. Fot this feature the feedbackline is used, so it works only for the native shield.


  • Press down the tensioner to make the microswitch toggle. A duration between 50ms and 500ms is detected as a valid command to feed.


M610 S1 ; enable feeder, power on
press tensioner.

Command issued before any feeder shall be used. Turns a mosfet wired to FEEDER_ENABLE_PIN on/off


  • M610 S<status>
S<status> 1 → On, 0 → Off


M610 S1 ; enable feeder, power on
M610 S0 ; disable feeder, power off

Command issued to advance tape by one feeder.


M600 N<index of feeder> F<feedlength>

Argument Description
N<index of feeder> Number of Feeder: 0…NUMBER_OF_FEEDER
F<feedlength> Feedlength, optional: If given, has to be a multiple of 2 mm, 24mm maximum
X<override error> If feedback line presents an error for feeder, it is temporarily ignored with X1

Example commands

M600 N3 F4 ; Advance Feeder No. 4 (0 based index) on port F3 by 4mm
M600 N0 ; Advance Feeder No. 0 (port F1) by FEEDER_MECHANICAL_ADVANCE_LENGTH (mechanical default)
M600 N11 ; Advance Feeder No. 11 (F12) by 2 mm (feeder holds on half way at configured HALF_ADVANCED_ANGLE), might need to be tweaked for accuracy

Tweak feeder parameters for specific servo, to improve accuracy, etc.


M620 N<index of feeder> A<advanced angle> B<half advanced angle> C<retract angle> F<default feed length> U<settle time> V<min. pulsewidth> W<max. pulsewidth> X<ignore feedback pin>

N Number of Feeder: 0…(NUMBER_OF_FEEDERS-1)
A advanced angle, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_FULL_ADVANCED_ANGLE
B half advanced angle, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_HALF_ADVANCED_ANGLE
C retract angle, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_RETRACT_ANGLE
F standard feed length, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_FEED_LENGTH, which is FEEDER_MECHANICAL_ADVANCE_LENGTH, which is 4mm usually
U settle time to go from advanced angle to retract angle and reverse, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_TIME_TO_SETTLE. make sure the servo is fast enough to reach the angles within given settle time
V pulsewidth at which servo is at about 0°, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_MOTOR_MIN_PULSEWIDTH
W pulsewidth at which servo is at about 180°, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_MOTOR_MAX_PULSEWIDTH
X ignore feedback pin, defaults to FEEDER_DEFAULT_IGNORE_FEEDBACK


M620 N18 A90 B40 C20 F4 U240 V544 W2400 X0 ; set new settings for feeder index 18 and store to eeprom

Command issued to check feeder. Status of feeder is printed to console.


N<feeder index>

N<feeder index>which feeder to check?


M602 N3 ; check feedback line and print status of feeder 3

While setting up the feeder, it is useful to bring the servo to a defined angle. For this reason, this command was implemented.


M600 N<index of feeder> A<angle>

Argument Description
N<index of feeder> Number of Feeder: 0…NUMBER_OF_FEEDER
A<angle> Angle to set servo to. Must be beween 0-180°. If omitted, defaults to 90°.

Example commands

M603 N2 A44 ; Set servo for feeder no. 2 (port F3) to 44°
M603 N0 ; Set servo for feeder no. 1 to default (90°)

Invalidate EEPROM and restore default settings given from config.h. No parameters, no safety questions!

Read out raw values from ADC and report.


M143 A<analog input pin>

A<analog input pin>0, 1 for vacuum sensors, 2…7 for adc aux


M143 A0 ; report vacuum sensor 0

Read out scaled values from ADC instead raw values. Scaling factors are printed to console on startup of microcontroller.


M144 A<analog input pin>

A<analog input pin>0, 1 for vacuum sensors, 2…7 for adc aux


M144 A0 ; report vacuum sensor 0

Set scaling factor and offset to convert raw values from adc to real units.


M145 A<analog input pin> S<scale factor> O<offset>

A<analog input pin>0, 1 for vacuum sensors, 2…7 for adc aux
S<scale factor>scaling factor, multiplied with raw value read from adc
O<offset>offset, added to raw value read from adc. can be negative


  • M145 A3 S1.00 O0.00 → Set scaling to 1 offset to 0 for A3 (that is no scaling active)
  • M145 A0 S0.1277 O-120.23 → Set scaling to 0.1277 offset to -120.23 for A0 (scale example for NXP vacuum sensors)


M155 D<digital io index> S<state>

D<digital io index>digital output to switch, see config.h for maptable
S<state>turn on (1) or off (0)


M155 D0 S1 ; turn on output D0 mapped to pin via config.h
M155 D2 S0 ; turn off output D2 mapped to pin via config.h
  • maschine/pickandplace/feeder/0816feeder/mcodes.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/12/30 00:00
  • (external edit)